
31 octubre 2006

Boliden Doubles Ore Production at Aitik and Creates One of the World’s Most Efficient Mines

Bolidens (STO:BOL) (TSX:BOL) Board of Directors approved today an investment of SEK 5.2 billion in expanding operations at the Aitik copper mine outside Gällivare. The investment will involve, among other things, building a modern new concentrator that will double ore production capacity from 18 million tonnes to 36 million tonnes. Other benefits offered by the investment include:

Improved competitiveness and a substantially lower cash cost

A tripling of ore reserves from 219 to 630 million tonnes

An extension of the mines lifespan from 2016 to 2025

Increased production of copper, gold and silver, and new production of molybdenum

Improved environmental performance

The potential for further expansion in the future

Mi comentario: Lo de la inversión en minas a mi no me parece tan buena noticia... yo quisiera que las inversiones en el sector fueran OPAs y recompras de acciones propias, para seguir manteniendo la oferta por debajo de la demanda durante muuuucho tiempo. ¿Cuanto habría podido ganar Boliden invirtiendo en acciones de Boliden?? En todo caso, parece que van a hacer una mina que será el no va a más, veremos...

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