
28 octubre 2006

Dow Dogs Are Busy Playing Dead

Leadership within the Dow rotates tremendously over time.

Huge chunks of index capital flows out of overstretched leaders on a regular basis and into underperforming components, in strategies designed to take advantage of reversion to the mean attributes.

So, theoretically at least, today's laggards could become tomorrow's big winners.

Y los rezagados del Dow son:

- Alcoa (AA): Interesante, PER 10, bajista, un poco sobrevendido
- Home Depot (HD): Sin interés
- Caterpillar (CAT): Interesante, PER 11, bajista, un poco sobrevendido
- 3M (MMM): PER 16, a punto de pasar a alcista
- Citigroup (C): La mejor del grupo, PER 12, alcista, un poco sobrecomprada, buen dividendo

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